the ufo landing patch
Some say it's easier to imagine the collapse of our ecosystems, than the collapse of extractive capitalism. Some say it's easier to imagine steel and glass jungles populated by self driving cars than forested jungles where humans can thrive. Some say it's easier to imagine humanity moving to Mars than humans in a healthy Earth. And some say that there should be less of us, since we can't share with those that are here today.
Sometimes these voices seem so loud and no alternative is in sight. Despair takes over me and I feel like giving up. On times like this, I need to remember the hands that rewilded a UFO landing patch.
You see, I have seen miracles happening on a disc-shaped barren patch of land. A single pair of human hands I have seen working together with Persephone to sow and to grow. Working together with the wind and the rain to nurture and spread. A single human I have seen, rewilding the world with the colours of her heart. And day by day, pouring love onto this patch: sowing, watering, watching, waiting.
And isn't this what hope looks like? To believe that we can ally ourselves with the bees and the pollinisers to spread life around. With the minerals in the soil and the water from the rain, so that life can emerge. And to yearn for the day, when the first sprouts start popping their heads, lifting the soil from underneath, with the strength of birth to emerge into the light.
To see those greens take shape and form day by day. To guess where the wild colours will emerge. A poppy drawing your eyes here, some marigolds shining there and when you come back after some weeks to see a pink carpet of toadflax and cow cockles covering the soil.
These hands can imagine the future of this patch and the small ecosystems that could emerge. These hands can collaborate with the forces of nature. And if these hands can work for a future, so can mine, so can yours.